
I've obviously had a lot of help in this project.

The first thank you goes to Bruce Wilkinson who introduced me to the Dennis family.

A heart-felt thank you goes out to Sue Dennis, Morgan Dennis, and Reid Dennis for caring for so many originals for so many years. And a special thanks to Sue for her hospitality and generosity.

Unending gratitude to John Palmer, my "partner in crime" for so much of this adventure, for his continued enthusiasm and support of this project. And much appreciation to his wife Lil, who has been a great hostess and put up with us!

Thank you to the Stahl Family for their help with the Denny Cards and inspiring the next generation of readers and Wesley Dennis fans.

And last, but not least, thanks to my parents, Jim and Ann Beall for buying me that ragged paperback copy of Misty of Chincoteague for 10¢ at a garage sale long ago and for loaning me the station wagon!